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You’re going to make a growth strategy doc. This will be your blueprint for getting users and pitching your product, and it will eventually turn into your day-to-day work.

If you’ve done the prior readings, it should take 2-4 hours to make.

Phase 1: Setup

Make a Notion doc.

Title it “[Company Name]: Growth Strategy”, and put a link to your site at the top for us to reference.

Make each of the following phases a section on your doc.

Phase 2: Acceptable CAC

What’s your acceptable CAC? Put it here.

If you don’t know yet, or don’t have access to the information you need, make assumptions that feel reasonable.

Spell out your math — and your assumptions — so we know how you got to your conclusion.

Phase 3: Bad alternatives & value props

Copy our value props template and list out your product’s top 3-5 bad alternatives, along with their associated value props.

When we work with clients, users tell us these answers themselves (in user interviews). For now, put yourself in the user’s shoes and list out what you think the bad alternatives, problems, etc. would be.

(If you want more guidance, check out our value props project.)

Link to the Google Sheet you make in your Notion doc.

Phase 4: Target personas (”the who”)

List out 3-5 personas you think would be high-intent. These should be bullet points.

Don’t write extra explanations for why you chose them; your reasoning should be self-evident from the persona.

Phase 5: Buyer’s journey