We ask junior hires to write three to five sentences about why they want to become a growth marketer.

Consider this answer:

I enjoy the challenge that growth marketing brings. I love dealing with constant challenges and new things that come up. Learning to adapt to them is the main aspect of this job, and I am all for it. I want to be able to help out small businesses as much as possible using fresh ideas.

Anyone applying for any job can say this.

In fact, many applicants do. They don’t stand out. They could just as easily say these things about consulting or retail jobs.

How could you answer better? Ask yourself three questions.

Question #1: Why?

Say someone wrote, “I want to help startups grow.”

Well, yes, that’s what a growth marketer does. That’s not enough.

Why do you want to help small businesses grow their companies?

There may be things in your past that led you to want to grow companies, and there may reasons you want to grow companies in the future.

Ask yourself “why” **at least 5 times to get at the fundamental reasons you care.

Here’s an example.


Question #2: Why growth marketing?

Some applicants have a why, but they haven’t thought through why they want to pursue growth marketing, specifically.

Let’s look at the original answer again.

I love dealing with constant challenges and new things that come up. Learning to adapt to them is the main aspect of this job, and I am all for it.

Again, this could just as easily be about consulting, retail, or growth marketing jobs.

You need to write about why you want to work in growth marketing in particular.